Sogetsu Ottawa Branch

Previous Events

  • 2020, November 7: Virtual Workshop: Composition with Mass and Line. Yumiko Tsunakawa Toma, Komon, led this workshop based on Textbook 3/Lesson 13. Yumiko began teaching Ikebana in 2005. She established online teaching classes in 2018. Yumiko and her Ikebana have been in a variety of media, including TV, newspapers and magazines. She has vast experience with demonstration of the art of Ikebana in addition to leading workshops, and participating to a variety of exhibitions.

  • 2020: Ikebana in Isolation. Ikebana is an art for self-expression. The power of flowers and its influence on mental health is well-known. With the arrival of COVID-19 in 2020, the population was asked to self-isolate. Following the cancellation of classes and disrupted contact with their Ikebana teacher, some Sogetsu Ottawa Branch members decided to create flower arrangements based on what they had available at home. Each floral arrangement exemplifies self-expression in isolation.

  • 2020 : L’Ikebana en isolement. L’Ikebana est l’art de l’expression de soi. Le pouvoir des fleurs et leur effet bénéfique sur la santé mentale est reconnus. Lors de l’arrivée de la COVID-19 en 2020, la santé publique exigea aux gens de se placer en isolement. Des classes annulées et liens perturbés avec les professeur(e)s de l’Ikebana s’ensuivirent. Certains membres de la section Sogetsu d’Ottawa décidèrent de créer des arrangements floraux avec ce qu’elles ou ils avaient à leur disposition. Chaque arrangement floral illustre bien l’expression de soi en isolement.